Bartolo Quiacain Cruz,
Miguel Sunu Cortez,
Luciano Sitán, &
José Antonio González Chavajay

Tz'utujil Maya Artists from San Pedro la Laguna

Miguel Sunu's paintings

(Other artist paintings are below)

Miguel Sunu, Bartolo Quiacain, and Luciano Sitán were all promising alumni of Pedro Rafaél González Chavajay. José Antonio is Pedro Rafaél and Mario's younger brother. All of them stopped painting after starting out on their own.

Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Vendedores de Flores

(Flower Seller)

2005, 18" x 22"
Oil on canvas, unframed
Cat: sun-011

Miguel Angel Sunu Cortez

Artemaya Catalog SUN-011
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Aj K'ayineel aq

(Vendedor de Cerdos / Pig Seller)

2003, 16" x 13"
Oil on canvas, framed
Cat: sun-005

Miguel Angel Sunu Cortez

Artemaya Catalog SUN-005
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Ak'ala Ajsamajela

(Ninos TrabajadoresChild Laborers)

2008, 15" x 13"
Oil on canvas, unframed
Cat: sun-016

Miguel Angel Sunu Cortez

Artemaya Catalog SUN-016
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Vendedores de Maíz

(Corn Seller)

2006, 11" x 9"
Oil on canvas, unframed
Cat: sun-012

Miguel Angel Sunu Cortez

Artemaya Catalog SUN-012

For commentary about Miguel's paintings in the Moran Collection visit:

Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Mujeres Indigenas

(Indigenous Women)

2006, 11" x 9"
Oil on canvas, Framed
Cat: SUN-013

Miguel Angel Sunu Cortez

Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection

Artemaya Catalog SUN-013

Luciano Sitán's paintings

Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

La Vendedora de Frutas

(The Fruit Seller)

2007, 11" x 9"
Oil on canvas, unframed
Cat: sit-011

Luciano Sitán Sicay

Artemaya Catalog SIT-011
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

El Pescador

(The Fisherman)

2007, 9" x 11"
Oil on canvas, unframed
Cat: sit-012

Luciano Sitán Sicay

Artemaya Catalog SIT-012

Bartolo Quiacain's painting

Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Jab'el Q'apooj

(Young Woman)

1992, 11'' x 9''
Oil on canvas, framed
Cat: bar-018

Bartolo Quiacain Cruz

Artemaya Catalog BAR-018

José Antonio's painting

Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.

Baile de Conquista

(Dance of the Conquest)

2000, 24" x 20"
Oil on canvas, framed
Cat: jg-002

Jose Antonio González Chavajay

Artemaya Catalog JG-002