Mariano González Chavajay
& Matías González Chavajay
Tz'utujil Maya Brothers from San Pedro la Laguna
| Mariano's paintings (Matias's are below) |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Exhumación(Exhumation)2005, 40" x 75" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mar-043Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Cuadrilla(The work gang)1990, 37'' x 52'' Oil on canvas.Oil on canvas., Framed
Cat: mar-004Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Mercado de Noche(Night Market)1997, 38" x 50" Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mar-027Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Baile de Naguál(Dance of the Animal Spirit)1992, 37'' x 52'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mar-015Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Adoración Pascual Abaj, Chichicastenango(Adoration of the Rock Pascual, Chichicastenango)2001, 39" x 55" Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mar-039Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Corte de Cafe(Coffee Picking)1997, 37" x 72" Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mar-028Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Encarcelado de San Pedro la Laguna(The Prisoner of San Pedro la Laguna)1988, 24" x 20" Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mar-041Mariano González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Cofrade, Atitlaacute;n(Member of a cofradia Santiago Atitlán)1989, 24" x 20" Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mar-041Mariano González Chavajay
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
| Matías's paintings |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Vida de los Campesinos(The Life of the Peasants)1998, 65" x 94" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-034Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Al Mercado(To Market)2011, 30" x 40" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-058Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Pedida de Mano en Coban Alta Vera Paz(The Proposal in Coban Alta Vera Paz)2010, 28" x 34" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-054Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Sarabanda de mi Pueblo(The Sarabanda of my Town)2011, 28" x 34" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-057Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Cosecha de Banano(Banana Harvest)2010, 28" x 34" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-055Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Semana Santa en mi Aldea(Holy Week in My Town)2010, 27" x 32" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-056Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Palo Volador((Dance of) the Pole Flyer)1990, 28'' x 19'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-008Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Cosecha de Pacaya(Harvest of Pacaya)2007, 21" x 25" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-049Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Baile de la Cofradía(Dance of the Brotherhood)1991, 20'' x 24'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-025Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Cortando Cafe, Atitlán(Picking Coffee, Santiago Atitlán)1988, 20'' x 24'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-002Matias González Chavajay |  |
For commentary about Matías's paintings in the Moran Collection visit: |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Velorio en Atitlán(Wake in Santiago Atitlan)2007, 20" x 24" Oil on canvas,
Stretched Cat: MAT-045Matias González Chavajay
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Palo Volador, San Pedro la Laguna(Pole Flyer, San Pedro la Laguna)2008, 25" x 16"
Oil on canvas, Cat: MAT-052Matias González Chavajay
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Dentista, Chichicastenango(The Dentist, Chichicastenango)1999, 18" x 22" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-033Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
La Pedida(The Request)1999, 18" x 22" Oil on canvas,
Framed Cat: MAT-032Matias González Chavajay
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Descansando, Sololá(Resting, Sololá)1992, 20'' x 18'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-024Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Baile de Conquista, Sololá(Dance of the Conquest)1990, 20'' x 16'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-006Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Extracando Pozona(Extracting Poison)2006, 16" x 20" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-043Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
El Parto(Childbirth)2006, 16" x 20" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-044Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Concierto(Concert)1991, 11'' x 9'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-009Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Sololteca(Man from Sololaacute;)Circa 2000, 11" x 9" Oil on canvas,
Stretched Cat: MAT0001Matias González Chavajay
Maya Woman: The Helen Moran Collection |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Baile del Venado(Deer Dance)2006, 9" x 11" Oil on canvas., Unframed Cat:
mat-038Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Los Bolos(The Drunks)1988, 7'' x 8'' Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-004Matías González Chavajay |  |
Click image for larger version or here for highest resolution.
Cortando Caña(Cutting Sugarcane)1991, 7" x 5" Oil on canvas., Framed Cat:
mat-010Matías González Chavajay |  |